
Andorra’s General Council (Consell General) has 28 members elected through a mixed-independent system. Elections were first held under this system in 1993 and then in 1997, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2011 and 2015.

National List Seats
14 are elected nationally off of closed party lists using the largest remainder system with Hare quota except that parties must receive one seat by a full Hare quota, equivalent to 7.14% of the vote, to qualify for remainder seats. If there are more seats left than parties, the extra remainder seat goes to the party with more remainder votes among those that received a Hare quota.

Here are the calculations from the 2011 elections:

AndorraThe Hare quota required to qualify for seats is 1108 votes (15,510 valid votes/14 seats). Neither the Greens nor Andorra for Change qualified for national list seats, as both received fewer votes than a full Hare quota.

Eleven seats were awarded for votes for full multiples of the Hare quota—7 to Democrats for Andorra and 4 to the Social Democratic Party. Three seats remained, so each of the two parties that qualified for national list seats gained one. The single seat left went to the Social Democrats as they had more remainder votes than the Democrats for Andorra.

Parish Seats
Andorra has seven parishes (shown below). Though unequal in population and voters, each parish elects two constituency members. Voters cast a ballot for a party ticket of two candidates, and cannot split their votes between candidates of different parties. The party that receives a plurality of votes gains both seats.

Source: “Llei qualificada del règim electoral i del referèndum del 3 de setembre de 1993 amb les modificacions aprovades el 26 de novembre de 1999 i el 15 de desembre del 2000 (text refós sense valor legal).” (Andorra: Govern d’Androrra). Viewed 13 September 2014. See Articles 64-7 for information on the electoral system.

Parishes of Andorra:

Andora Parishes